Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sungei Buloh Nature Reserve 2013-05-04

I only hear about Sungei Buloh when Bob told me about this place. With a bit of research, I figured out the best way to get to this place. It's not as famous as other nature reserves like MacRitchie or Bukit Timah, but it's still accessible by public transportation.

I took the MRT to Kranji station. When I stepped out of the station, I immediately saw the bus I should be taking (bus 925) outside. I walked to the bus, but it was so crowded and many people are still waiting outside in order to get it. I didn't bother trying to force myself in, because from the looks of it, I already knew I won't be able to. I didn't have a choice but to wait a little longer. After about 10 minutes or so, another one came and I was able to get inside. After 15 minutes, I arrived at my destination - the Sungei Buloh carpark. The place was a bit deserted. Very few people can be seen walking there, only some vehicles. When I was walking, I had a feeling I might make a wrong turn since there's no one around to ask for direction although I'm pretty sure the entrance is just around the corner. Luckily at one corner, there's a small sign to the reserve.

Scarecrow near the reserve entrance

After 15 minutes of walking the narrow 2-lane road, I reached the visitor area. The road doesn't look like the usual Singaporean road that has a pedestrian sidewalk beside the main road. While walking, I was able to photograph some doves and an olive-backed sunbird as I followed the sign towards the visitor area, paid the entrance fee which is 1 Singapore Dollar and entered the reserve. During weekdays, the entrance to the reserve is free but not on weekends.
Red turtledove

 Spotted dove

Olive-backed sunbird

After the visitor entrance, you have to cross a bridge to reach the main trail. There are 3 routes in the reserve, Route 1 being the shortest and 3 the longest. There are many viewing sheds/observation screens along the trail, several ponds and a couple of towers. Route 1 is basically a short loop around the reserve. While walking the trail, I saw a few monitor lizards, squirrels, a couple of pink-necked green pigeon, some wader in a pond, some oive backed sunbird, a white collared kingfisher, a cuckoo sp, an oriental magpie-robin, olive-backed sunbirds and heard a few calls which I couldn't identify.


Sandpipers and red shanks

Little egret and little heron

Cuckoo sp

Pied fantail


Oriental magpie-robin

 Pink-necked green pigeon

 White-breasted waterhen

In the middle of route 1 is a 4 or 5 floor viewing tower called Aerie. I climbed up the tower to get a good view of the reserve.

 Aerie from a distance

After I reached the point where I started, it's still very early, so I decided to visit all 3 routes. I need to take Route 1 again up to the junction which leads to route 2. During my second trip on route 1, I was luckier than the first that I was able to photograph the Copper throated sunbird which landed just a few meters from me. I was taking shots by the dozens but only a few were good. The trail was a bit dark with lots of vegetations, so I used a slower shutter speed leading to a lot of blurry shots. I was also able to capture the active Ashy tailorbird.

Copper-throated sunbird

Ashy tailorbird

Routes 2 and 3 starts in the middle of route 1 and branch off to different areas along the reserve. Route 2 features the prawn pond and the tower hide. The 3rd route also features a Mangrove Arboretum, which has a wooden bridge leading to another section of Route 1. At the mangrove bridge, there are a lot of mudskippers and small crabs, a species with red claws.

Mangrove Arboretum

Some parts of the reserve is heavily infested with mosquitoes. I didn't brought any repellent so I was bitten a lot.

After my walk around the 3 routes, I decided to leave the reserve. While crossing the bridge, an employee of the reserve called me and pointed to me a salt-water crocodile in one of the ponds.

At the visitor center, I wander around at the exhibit hall, looked at the display then had a short break outside to eat the food I brought with me since it is already past 1 in the afternoon and I'm starving. I left the reserve, walked back towards the bus stop and head home with a smile on my face. :)

Here are some other pictures I took.

 View from the tower Aerie

Johor Bahru from a distance

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